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The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies joins the CRUI initiative to promote the national anti-violence and stalking number 1522. The aim is spreading awareness of this public utility number

Publication date: 07.03.2024
1522 (1)
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The Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has promoted the institutional communication campaign "1522. You Are Not Alone", with the aim of spreading awareness of the public utility number 1522, which provides help and support to women by helping them break the silence and isolation caused by violence.

The 1522 helpline, staffed by specialized operators, provides women in situations of gender-based violence and stalking with information about their rights and the protection tools and services dedicated to them throughout the country.

The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies joins the initiative of the CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities), which supports the Department in spreading the campaign within universities.

For more information on 1522, visit the dedicated website: